Sound Healing
Creative Arts
Wellness Retreats

AromaTouch Technique
Spine, Neck & Shoulders
Widespread acceptance of essential oils, both within and without the scientific community, has led many to choose this more natural approach to healing and prevention.
CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils have been recognized as the most therapeutic oils in the world and play a leading role in positive health choices. There are no 'other ingredients' with the oils I use! Some of the oils are a mix of several combined together and some such as lavender stand alone.
I offer bodywork with Essential oils. This is a fairly new development of oil application that incorporates simple hand techniques with the power of essential oils to create a powerful whole body wellness experience. It seeks to address four systemic constants that are present in daily life and which may serve as limiting factors in health: stress, immunity, the inflammatory response, and autonomic imbalance. These sessions can be combined with Meditation & Reiki energy
Pricing for Session:
Williams Oregon and surrounding areas
$65 per hour session
with Vibrational Sound Healing (15 minutes) $85
To book appointment